Tuesday 5 July 2016

Credit Card Terminal Rates

Choosing the credit card processing terminal that best suits your business needs can help you reduce processing costs and increase your profits. We have the expertise to guide you in your selection of the right credit card machine and PIN pad for your operation.
We offer the popular, easy-to-use options listed below that are fully equipped with the latest technology, non-proprietary and representative of the overall best value. Credit Card Terminal Rates.
For face-to-face transactions in a traditional retail setting, it’s hard to beat point-of-sale terminals for securely processing credit cards, debit cards, prepaid cards, checks, electronic benefits transfers (EBTs) and other electronic transactions. Simply swipe the customer’s card through the card reader and the terminal does the rest.
Add a PIN pad to your credit card machine to process PIN debit cards and EBT transactions.
These point-of-sale countertop terminals are the workhorses of the brick-and-mortar sales environment where card-present transactions are the norm. Credit Card Terminal Rates.